Sunday, December 20, 2009 | By: Brianna

Silver and Gold

Today has been a ridiculously long day.

9:15 AM - 12 PM
[Deer Grove Church -- Nursery]
As a rule, I usually try my best to avoid small children. At all costs. Small children at parties? I purposely stay off the floor and associate with people who don't belong to them. Small children I'm related to? Well, that's a different story. They're a little more difficult to avoid, mostly because of the obligatory arrival greetings and farewell hugs, but somehow I manage it. It is very rare that I will spend time with children under the age of five under my own free will. Today was one of those very rare occasions in which I helped "babysit" at least four children under the age of five at my aunt's church, in the nursery.
I'll admit, it wasn't that bad, considering one of the boys was very talkative and pretty much adorable. There was one peanut that I felt horrible taking care of because he was just learning how to balance and he kept falling over, leaving me helpless as he started crying.
Another reason I avoid small children. Crying.
Sticky fingers.
The list goes on.

3 PM - 9 PM
[Girl Scout Gold Award Celebration Party]
At my Girl Scout leader's house, we gathered and celebrated my Gold Award, as well as the Gold Awards of two of my fellow Girl Scouts. We ate, we drank, we were very merry, and just generally had a good time. I don't remember the last time I ate so much.
It was a lot of fun! It was mostly parents and our leaders, and then there were us three girls since none of the other girls from our troop could make it, but it was so great to see them all again. This was a group that pretty much dissolved three years ago, and so I haven't seen them in eons.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to hear what my fellow Gold Award recipients did for the project.
My Gold Award project?
Well, it involved three fairy tales, a local library, a local cafe, four actors from my high school, and about three to four weeks of rehearsal. Stir well and let sit, and I got a great show that ran for five performances.

9:30 PM - ???
Baking scotcheroos and chocolate covering pretzels.
Contemplating a White Elephant gift for tomorrow's party.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." - Douglas Adams


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