Sunday, August 14, 2011 | By: Brianna

On a Break, but More to Do

Today I'm on break from RA Training.  Yesterday being our last day, it was full of warm fuzzies and all sorts of happiness and joy.  I got to give a presentation about our chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH), and I personally thought I was awful, but a number of people I talked to said I was decent, so maybe I'm being overdramatic (Google, that has to be one word, be quiet).

We also played a game of Touch Someone Who.  Everyone sits in a gigantic circle facing outward and closes their eyes.  A handful of people gets chosen to go into the center of the circle, and the facilitator reads off these statements like "touch someone who inspires you."  The people in the center then go up to people who are still sitting and touch their shoulders if the statement applies.  Every time a statement was read, I sent out all the energy I could muster so the people I loved knew that I appreciated them for that statement.  Basically I made sure that even if I wasn't in the center, I expressed appreciation.  I may have cried when the statement "touch someone who has dreams and the ability to attain them" came up, and more people than I could count came up and tapped my shoulders.  And I had no idea how difficult it was to cry with my eyes closed until that.  So that was fun.  I also got tapped for a person people thought was patient, forgiving, a good listener, or a leader.  Walking away from that activity I always feel ten times better.

Yesterday was also when the top bananas of ORL and the president of the university walked around our halls and inspected the crafty things that we made.  So I stressed a lot on Friday night so I could finish the things I had started and then do the bulletin boards that I hadn't given a thought to.  Oh that was fun.  I finally crashed at about 2 AM and got up early so I could finish cleaning the desk and cutting paper.  Luckily I got it all done by the time I needed it done, but my bulletin boards are not as pretty as I would have liked them to be.  Which means I'll be tweaking them even now.

And there begins my to do list:

  • clean my hall desk (I'm so close to being done!)
    • create an inventory list and a list of things that can be rented from the desk
    • create the lock out phone tree
    • find a way to organize money in the cash drawer
  • e-mail my desk aides and RAs
  • laundry
  • write my programming calendar to give to my boss
  • read The Interpreter of Maladies (for the first year book discussion)
  • neaten my room
And there it is.  Yay for to do lists!

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
- Winston Churchill


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